Elite Sports Mindsets
Empowering You to Achieve Your Best
Hi, I am Dr Kay Green, and I have a PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy and over 30 years of experience in health and sports performance. I enjoy empowering coaches and athletes to breakthrough limiting beliefs and negative mindsets that create inconsistent performance. Propelling you towards ever-improving performance is possible utilising my latest neuropsychological and biological behavioural techniques and strategies.
Dr Kay Green PhD
Self-awareness is Essential to Success
and for the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
I utilise a Unique Personalised Self-Awareness Model: Mind Selections & Values Profile (MSVP™) that enables you to understand your subconscious mind:
1. Motivations (what triggers your motivation)
2. Playing Styles (what maintains your motivation)
3. Thinking Styles (how you make decisions)
It is a set of questionnaire profiles analysing 17 subconscious mindsets.
You will receive your own Personalised Profile. The MSVP™ are questionnaires designed to help athletes and coaches increase self-knowledge and overcome anxieties, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs that cause inconsistent performance. Learn how to motivate and develop strategies that propel you or your athletes towards ever-improving performance.
The MSVP Gives You A Competitive Edge​
• 7 Personalised Unique words that propel you to produce ever-improving performance.
• 6 Motivation Triggers that you need to know and use to
consistently improve your performance.
• 11 Styles that describe how you process both mentally and physically information from your environment​,
how you make decisions, how you respond to stress and how you are convinced.
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Hypnotherapy (American Pacific University, USA)
Bachelor of Business (Monash University, Australia)
Certified Advanced Modeller of Ericksonian Hypnosis
Certified Master NLP Practitioner
Certified Master Time Line Therapist
Certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques
Diploma Health & Fitness Writing