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Sportsmen and sports women

Elite Sports Mindsets

Empowering You to Achieve Your Best

Hi,  I am Dr Kay Green, and I have a PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy and over 30 years of experience in health and sports performance. I enjoy empowering coaches and athletes to breakthrough limiting beliefs and negative mindsets that create inconsistent performance. Propelling you towards ever-improving performance is possible utilising my latest neuropsychological and biological behavioural techniques and strategies. 

Dr Kay Green PhD

Dr Kay Green PhD

Self-awareness is Essential to Success

and for the Ultimate Competitive Advantage


I utilise a Unique Personalised Self-Awareness Model: Mind Selections & Values Profile (MSVP™) that enables you to understand your subconscious mind:


1. Motivations (what triggers your motivation)

2. Playing Styles (what maintains your motivation)

3. Thinking Styles (how you make decisions)


It is a set of questionnaire profiles analysing 17 subconscious mindsets.

You will receive your own Personalised Profile. The MSVP™ are questionnaires designed to help athletes and coaches increase self-knowledge and overcome anxieties, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs that cause inconsistent performance. Learn how to motivate and develop strategies that propel you or your athletes towards ever-improving performance. 


The MSVP Gives You A Competitive Edge​

•  7 Personalised Unique words that propel you to produce ever-improving performance.

•  6 Motivation Triggers that you need to know and use to
consistently improve your performance.

•  11 Styles that describe how you process both mentally and physically information from your environment​,

how you make decisions, how you respond to stress and how you are convinced.




  • Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Hypnotherapy (American Pacific University, USA)

  • Bachelor of Business (Monash University, Australia)

  • Certified Advanced Modeller of Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Certified Master NLP Practitioner

  • Certified Master Time Line Therapist

  • Certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques

  • Diploma Health & Fitness Writing

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